Campaign Year: 2016
Campaign Type: NZ - Equity Crowdfunding
Campaign Duration: 68 days
Amount Invested: N$740,394
N° of investors: 40
Average Investment: N$18,509
% Funded: 148.1%
Invert Robotics designs and manufactures industrial inspection equipment and uses this equipment to provide remote inspection services. A patented robotic inspection platform can climb any stainless steel surface and uses advanced sensors and high definition cameras to feed detailed inspection data instantly to an inspector for immediate analysis. It is safer than traditional methods which utilise scaffolding and rope to place human workers at height within confined spaces to conduct manual inspections. Use of the robotic platform also enhances the accuracy, reliability and credibility of inspections through ultrasonic crack detection, electronic data management and sophisticated reporting systems.
Prior to raising capital through the Equitise platform, Invert Robotics had secured numerous inspection contracts within New Zealand. Having a solid proof of concept, the next step for Invert Robotics was to expand to larger international markets in Europe, North America and Australia, while continuing to build on the New Zealand market position. To fund this expansion, Invert Robotics crowdfunded NZ$740,394 through the Equitise, overfunding by 48.1%. By establishing itself in these larger markets, Invert Robotics projects considerable growth leading to revenues of $20-25m by FY2020.
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